Stop domestic violence stamp
Credit: Lena Noir / Shutterstock

Recent news has revealed disturbing details of abuse and violence committed by men
against women.

These frightening images and videos, which are all over social media, are a stark
reminder that we must think of ways to engage men and boys about the warning signs
and root causes of intimate partner violence and how to prevent it.

Research shows that both domestic violence and sexual assault cause long-term
mental health issues in victims, including post-traumatic stress syndrome,
depression, and suicide. While not all acts of intimate partner violence and sexual
abuse are committed by men, most violence is.

The good news is that The Center for Family Justice has been, through its White Ribbon Campaign, working hard to engage men and boys in ways to prevent gender-
based violence. CFJ created the state’s first White Ribbon Campaign in 2008 to raise awareness about the critical role men have in ending violence against women and

Chaired by Gary MacNamara, a retired police chief who is also a member of our Board
of Directors, the White Ribbon Campaign works hard to create social change by
speaking with men and boys about using their voice to speak up against intimate
partner violence and other forms of gender-based violence.

Taking a sports analogy, campaign members liken their work to being an “upstander”
– being on the field and doing something that makes a difference instead of being a
bystander in the stands watching what is happening.

As Scott Redfern, CFJ Board Secretary and another member of White Ribbon, has
said, “It doesn’t have to be major things that we do to make a difference. There are
little things we can do every day to make a difference.”

Some examples: challenge victim blaming comments like “why did she stay,” educate
yourself about violence against women, understand the risk factors for perpetration,
be an example of a healthy relationship, respect all genders and gender identities, and
speak up if you see someone disrespecting their partner in any way.

The White Ribbon Campaign is an international initiative that started in Canada after a
gunman, claiming he was “fighting feminism,” shot 14 women on a university campus
in 1989. The White Ribbon is a personal pledge to never commit, condone, or remain
silent about violence against women and girls.

CFJ’s White Ribbon Campaign spearheads many public initiatives – including our Walk
a Mile in Her Shoes® event in April and our Speaking with Men breakfast every year.

We work with community leaders – coaches, athletes, fraternities, university staff, and
others – who are male role models to young men. We engage college and high school
students. Fairfield Prep and Masuk High School have their own Walk a Mile events to
show solidarity and commitment to becoming upstanders. Members of Sacred Heart
University’s chapter of Delta Tau Delta hosts their own White Ribbon event and
many attend CFJ’s Walk A Mile in Fairfield, some even wear the red heels for the entire

Dr. Jay Taylor, an Assistant Professor of Social Work at Fairfield University, spoke at
our Speaking with Men event in February. Students and community members alike
gave Jay a standing ovation for his presentation about how men and even young boys
actually suffer by trying to live up to society’s idea of being a “real man.”

Jay took the audience through his own story, and how he learned to live an authentic
life that is now filled with genuine, meaningful, and caring friendships.

We hope more men will join us as we build positive relationships so we can help
prevent the violence that impacts so many lives. There is another way. Prevention is

For more information on getting involved in White Ribbon events, contact Director of
Prevention & Community Engagement Amanda Posila, or White Ribbon Committee Chairperson Gary MacNamara.

The nonprofit Center for Family Justice provides free, confidential crisis and supportive services to victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence in the communities of Bridgeport, Easton, Fairfield, Monroe, Stratford, and Trumbull.

The center's mission is to break the cycle of abuse and violence – domestic, sexual, and child – by providing services that create hope, restore lives, and drive social change through education and community collaboration.