The latest employment numbers and revenue data from the newspaper industry paint an ugly picture.

The American Society of News Editors reports that from 2014 to 2015, the industry saw its first double-digit percentage drop in newsroom jobs since the recession in 2008. The downward curve in the employment chart is looking like a cliff again, in spite of a growing economy.

Daily newspapers in the U.S. reduced their staff by 3,800 — or 10.4 percent — to a total of 32,900. That’s 24,000 — or 42 percent — fewer than the peak of 56,900 in 1990.

You can read about this data in the Washington Post or on the Nieman Lab’s website.

And in June, in what can only be described as another bad omen, the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers reported that U.S. print advertising revenue as a share of the newspaper total dropped below circulation revenue for the first time in 2014, according to the Poynter Institute. “Circulation generated $92 billion compared to $87 billion for advertising.”

Bear in mind that advertising dollars comprised 80 percent of U.S. newspapers’ revenue throughout most of our lifetimes. Now it’s closer to 50/50 with circulation leading the way.

These trends are bad and they have been for some time. This is the reason CTNewsJunkie was launched in 2005 — to fill the void as newspapers and broadcasters were pulling their capitol reporters to reduce costs.

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Christine Stuart was Co-owner and Editor-In-Chief of CTNewsJunkie from May 2006 to March 2024.