Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! We had a spectacularly busy year in 2018 and are looking forward to new friends and new challenges in the year ahead.

With a week left in 2018, we are at 97 percent of our membership goal.

UPDATE: Great news! Readers from all over Connecticut became subscribers over these final two weeks of 2018 and we reached our fundraising goal for the second year in a row. This year we set a goal of $30,000 and raised that plus another $1,064.


Public service journalism is absolutely crucial to democracy and it is expensive to produce. To do it well, reporters need to be there at the Capitol, taking notes, capturing images and video — asking the hard questions.

This website is a little bit of a miracle. We aren’t foundation supported. We don’t use a paywall. We don’t dump celebrity nonsense or clickbait onto our site or into our email newsletters. And yes, we do depend on advertising, but there’s only so many ads we can sell in a given year without making the site unusable. After nearly 14 years reporting the news we remain a small business in every sense — locally owned and operated — and we take very seriously the responsibility of being part of your daily news diet.

We do this occasional “ask” for new member-subscribers because we would like to one day hire some employees, rather than paying reporters on a freelance basis. Each year that we see net growth in our subscriber list — particularly in the auto-renewals — we get a little bit closer to hiring.

And as we head into the 2019 legislative session, we (you) need as many reporters as possible at the Capitol to keep providing the best possible coverage each day. We can’t do it without your support. For as little as the price of a cup of coffee a week, we will keep you up to date on issues that impact you directly.

Become a member here!

• And here are some of our sponsors and supporters who helped us reach our goal in 2018

—Christine Stuart & the CTNewsJunkie crew